Sunday, 18 August 2013

Singing in the back of my head and a Panda

I am not sure about you, but when I saw an article about Panda and sex, I've entered it without a blink. We've already decided lately that Japan hold the Panda obsession gold medal with last year intercourses of Tokyo's pandas going on air in family prime time after day, upon availability of course...Truth is we've had so many laughs from the stories of parents about the kids that have learnt about the sexual intercourse fact of life from the dear pandas on t.v.. (The stories were told by 'lost' parents in search for the remote control and too slow in it. The panda already did the deed. The kid already watched. Explanation had to be given). 
And so the article in 'The Independent' began- (link attached in the end)
"For most of us, the idea of having a panda looking on as we try to procreate is unlikely to be a turn-on. But for the male giant panda, this could be what they need. Potentially earth-shaking research suggests that male pandas, famous for their struggles in "shaping up", are much more attentive to females when exposed to the smell of a rival."
And I thought how the writer have got the facts confused already. What the Panda seems to need is a scent and an interested party of another male/s and not an observer. And with that I don't see any real difference between the Panda and the Human's male. I think that to that fact any woman can testify in the court of law- in order to get the attention of the man you like, go and flirt with his friend! The threesome and the jealousy factor are perhaps down to the idea of a scent in instincts language. 
'If you don't love her, your best friend will', Sting is singing in the back of my head ( 'Sacred love'). This might be the male perspective, from the female point of view its the inducing, 'using' of that same instinct. It seems we all need a good mixture of male and female scents for love and sex. 
The male is not only more interested in a female that other male is also interested in (Is that really earth shuttering news) but in order to really be aroused by a female,  the scent of another male is required as well. Instinct condition orders! It can be said of the female too, a male is always more desirable if that female is envied by the girlfriends.
Its true its all a very simple condition and usually we are advancing some from those raw instincts as time goes by, but as usual we are more connected than we think in our core to our origin. And to the cute Panda too. 
By Roger Dobson

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