Thursday, 15 August 2013

also a form of slavery

'The independent' have run a chilling story today of a form of slavery that was not abolished yet- Young girls that are forced by their families to marry at their early teen years.
The different in this story is that those girls are living in the U.K., and most probably holds also a British passport and still they are taken to their parent's countries to a vacation from hell, from which they don't return.
Slavery was abolished in the U.K. long ago (we all want to believe) and still the government is closing the eyes to this type of slavery and rape. Beautifying this type of slavery in cultural colors and differences does not change the fact that British passports holders are sold/given to slavery. Would the government want to fight this disappearing of girls after summer vacation, it can and could! I could only guess that laws as the evoking of citizenships to parents that forced their young girls into forced marriages or any jail sentences, would do the job and stories as such will be an extinct habit. Even a law that forces any girl above ten or twelve to be interviewed by an immigration officer before leaving the country might help. The article mentioning that many girls now insert a metal spoon into their underwear in order to have an interview with an official at the airport that will not let them leave the country.
Continuing to ignore this sort of abuse is staining any liberal country in the red color of the blood those young girls are shedding. It is a crime against humanity and it should be treated as such. Slavery it is and slavery it should be called by any free thinking person. Those girls were raised in the U.K. and attended British schools, they have most probably have already learnt some about the constitution and laws, of the freedom of being a woman, of speech, safe sex, abolishing of slavery and others. And those same girls that already know the difference between sexual relationship and rape are taken to holidays in which they are wed and raped (one of the girls own word) and from which they don't return. Their families return to the U.K. and continue to live their life as if nothing have happened, perhaps even happy as they have wed their daughter, and at thirteen too!! Holding a British passport should mean something to those traditionally most oppressed victims of society.

When Western countries are putting their mind into subjects as Child labour they can make a lot of noise and difference and by that influence cultures that this is their tradition. This is happening in the home garden and still all is quiet. Is it because they are girls, 'just girls?'

The story was about the U.K., even though it is most reasonable that this girls slavery is still performed from other western countries as well.

The link to the article-

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